The true size of the July spill, which has left an inky stain across 12 miles of shoreline and upended livelihoods in a dozen villages, is still unknown. Source: NYT > Business – Muktita Suhartono
Israel’s Energy Dilemma: More Natural Gas Than It Can Use or Export
After years of relying on imports, the country has discovered huge gas reserves offshore. But it cannot easily use or sell the fuel to other countries. Source: NYT > Business – Clifford Krauss
Egypt Looks to Offshore Gas Field for Growth and Influence
A natural gas discovery could bolster the economy and revive the country’s regional clout. But Egyptians battling unemployment and inflation might gain little. Source: NYT > Business – CLIFFORD KRAUSS and DECLAN WALSH
Shell May Face Charges in Netherlands Tied to Nigerian Oil Deal
The Dutch prosecutor’s office told Shell it was preparing criminal charges against the company over a $1.3 billion oil agreement in Nigeria in 2011. Source: NYT > Business – STANLEY REED