Cities and counties are suing major drugstore chains and Walmart, contending they distributed billions of painkillers that devastated communities. Source: NYT > Business – Jan Hoffman, Katie Thomas and Danny Hakim
Should the ‘Vaping Age’ Be 21? Drugstores Say Yes
In raising the minimum age to purchase tobacco products at its stores, the drugstore chain joined other retailers and lawmakers seeking to curb teenagers’ use. Source: NYT > Business – KAREN ZRAICK and EMILY S. RUEB
Walgreens Raises Tobacco-Buying Age to 21, Strengthening a Consensus
In raising the minimum age to purchase tobacco products at its stores, the drugstore chain joined other retailers and lawmakers seeking to curb teenagers’ use. Source: NYT > Business – KAREN ZRAICK and EMILY S. RUEB
Rite Aid to Stop Selling E-Cigarettes, Citing Surge in Young Users
The chain said it would remove the products from its more than 2,400 locations over the next 90 days. It will continue to sell regular tobacco products. Source: NYT > Business – SAPNA MAHESHWARI
F.D.A. Criticizes Walgreens and Other Retailers for Selling Tobacco Products to Minors
FDA singles out Walgreens for high rate of tobacco sales to minors — but gas station stores and other retailers had an even higher rate. Source: NYT > Business – SHEILA KAPLAN