The body of a woman in her mid-60s was found floating in the waters off of the former Ports O’ Call Village in San Pedro Friday morning, authorities said, with no foul play suspected.

Someone saw the woman’s body floating face down in the main channel off of Berth 75 just before 7:30 a.m. and called 911.
Firefighters and Los Angeles Port Police removed the woman’s body from the water and transported it to Los Angeles Fire Station No. 112, said Port of Los Angeles spokesman Phillip Sanfield.
“There was no indication from the body that there was any evidence of foul play, and we’re just beginning the investigation,” he said. “They said the body looked like it had been in the water 24 hours or less.”
The woman’s body was loaded into a coroner’s van at the fire station on Harbor Boulevard and taken to the coroner’s headquarters. Coroner’s spokeswoman Sarah Ardalani said the woman had not yet been identified.
Source: “Los Angeles” – Google News