The hero, Baker Dill (Matthew McConaughey), is on a mission to catch a fish — a very large tuna he’s dubbed Justice. Every day, he tries to catch the fish, doesn’t, and recalibrates his strategy. Every day, he visits his lover, Constance (Diane Lane), grabs a drink at the local watering hole filled with salty characters, and fires his first mate (Djimon Hounsou). Every day, he gets gossip and news from the bartender and tackle shop owner. Every day, a suited and spectacled salesman (Jeremy Strong) pursues him across the island. So it goes, over and over, Baker dutifully pursuing his quest, until a femme fatale (Anne Hathaway) walks out of his past and into the bar, asking him to kill her husband. Of all the rum joints in all the towns in all the world.
Source: – Los Angeles Times