When office workers were asked if they’d move for a job, 69 percent of those surveyed in Los Angeles and Orange counties said, “Yes!”
Now before you think you see another hint of a local mass exodus, please note quitting jobs is the workplace’s hottest trend. And people may tell a pollster they want to relocate, but Census trends show Californians don’t move much these days.
Also, note that career itchiness is a national trend. This survey by the Robert Half temp agency found in the 28 cities polled, 62 percent of office workers were ready to go.
Here’s the perspective I gained via my trusty spreadsheet: Chicago and Seattle tied L.A.-O.C. for itchiness to bolt town among people polled. Plus, four cities had more willingness to leave at the office: Raleigh, tops at 75 percent then Miami and Des Moines (71 percent) and Charlotte (70 percent).
Just before you start thinking “Are they going to Texas?” … Austin and Dallas were right behind L.A.-O.C. for lack of workplace loyalty at 68 percent. And, by this scorecard, Minneapolis owned the highest worker love for the hometown: just 45 percent of those surveyed expressed a willingness to relocate.
So why would L.A.-O.C. folks leave? No surprise: Money!
When the Robert Half pollsters sought reasons behind the “Yes, I’d move” answer, better pay and perks was the top reason given in L.A.-O.C. It was cited by 46 percent of those locals willing to go. That ranked 11th highest among the 28 cities and just above 44 percent found nationwide. Tops for pay and perks was Cleveland at 60 percent. Low was San Diego at 30 percent.
Cost of living was the second reason to leave L.A.-O.C., noted by 23 percent of locals polled. Nationwide it was 16 percent. Tops? Philadelphia at 25 percent. Low? Cleveland at 7 percent.
Now if you add up those two financial motivations — clearly cash is a key part of any career switch — 69 percent of locals who’d relocate would do so to improve the household budget. That’s the highest level among the 28 markets polled.
Curiously, locals seem fairly satisfied with their career paths.
Just 4 percent from L.A.-O.C. cited “career advancement” as a reason to exit, the lowest grade among the 28 cities. Career issues were most cited in St. Louis, at 22 percent, and by 16 percent nationwide.
Even odder, perhaps, was who’d take an out-of-town job primarily for the weather.
Locally, 9 percent of possible relocators cited climate as the top issue to depart. That was fourth-highest among the 28 cities — trailing a curious No. 1: San Diego!
Perhaps some Southern Californians seek more variety in their skies than our almost daily blue!
Source: “Los Angeles” – Google News