I felt as though I were climbing into a mummy’s sarcophagus as I settled into the empty concrete tub, but I figured that if Mark Twain could do it, so could I: take the waters at Vichy Springs near Ukiah, Calif. I opened the spigot and relaxed, the naturally carbonated mineral water fizzing around me like warm Perrier. As I gazed at the oaks and redwoods, some of which have been around since the spa resort opened in 1854, I realized that it was so quiet I could hear bees buzzing. It amazed me that this bucolic, 700-acre retreat still exists, a no-frills refuge for people seeking respite from aches, pains and stress. “Quietude” is what they call it here. I quietly — and happily — embraced it. Tab for two: $395 per night for room, breakfast and mineral baths; $100 per day for food ; plus airfare to Santa Rosa, rental car and taxes.
Source: latimes.com – Los Angeles Times