New Balance has filed a lawsuit against Nautica in relation to its now-iconic "N" logo. Within the newly-filed lawsuit, the footwear giant has claimed that Nautica is “willfully and intentionally intending to free-ride off of the goodwill goodwill associated with [New Balance’s] Block ‘N’ trademarks” by purportedly imitating its logo, which first appeared on New […]
The Joys of Being a Late Tech Adopter
New-gadget season is almost here, but our columnist has concluded, after testing hundreds of gizmos over the years, that it pays to wait. Source: NYT > Business – Brian X. Chen
Showing Off With the Hotel Flagship
In an increasingly saturated hospitality world, flagships offer innovative designs, services and amenities. Source: NYT > Business – Alyson Krueger
Richard Booth, Self-Crowned King of Used Books, Dies at 80
He transformed a fading Welsh town into a tourist magnet by buying books in bulk from colleges, libraries, defunct wholesalers and collectors’ estates. Source: NYT > Business – Sam Roberts
Sprint’s 5G Network Arrives in NYC, LA, Phoenix, & Washington D.C.
After the Justice Department approved its merger with T-Mobile last month, telecommunications company Sprint has announced the second phase of its 5G network rollout. Early Tuesday morning the company stated at an event that it would be launching the network in New York City, Phoenix, and Washington D.C. on August 27, bringing the increased speeds […]
Watch SpaceX Starhopper Successfully Pass Final Test
SpaceX has just successfully passed its final test for its Starhopper test prototype. Launched at Boca Chica, Texas, the Starhopper flew to an altitude of 500 feet (150 meters), where it stayed hovering for almost a minute. Equipped with a single new gen SpaceX Raptor engine, the test aka "Hop" will help in working out […]