Rich Fury/Invision/AP
- For many of us fully immersed in the digital age, it’s hard to imagine a world before the advent of the internet, cloud storage, and smartphones.
- Experts have found that in addition to making our lives more convenient, but there’s a negative side to technology — it can be addicting and it can hurt our communication skills.
- Extended screen time can result in health ramifications like insomnia, eyestrain, and increased anxiety and depression.
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Technology has become so ingrained in society — and our daily lives — that it’s hard to remember what the world was like before it.
Can you imagine doing your job without the help of technology of any kind? What about communicating? Or traveling? Or entertaining yourself?
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While we owe a debt of gratitude to the brilliant minds who have gifted us such innovations, it would be shortsighted to consider technology as solely a boon to humanity. Often, it can be a bane, having both seen and unseen effects of innumerable kinds on individuals, groups, and mankind as a whole.
Here are nine ways technology has made humanity worse.
Using mobile devices and computers is bad for our posture
Smartphone slouch. Desk slump. Text neck. Whatever you call it, the way we hold ourselves when we use devices like phones, computers, and tablets isn’t healthy.
This poor posture can lead not only to back and neck issues but psychological ones as well, including lower self-esteem and mood, decreased assertiveness and productivity, and an increased tendency to recall negative things, according to a column in The New York Times.
"Your physical posture sculpts your psychological posture, and could be the key to a happier mood and greater self-confidence," Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy wrote in the column.
Your eyesight can also suffer from too much device usage
Shutterstock/Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley
Overusing digital devices can lead to issues with eyesight.
Intense device usage can exhaust your eyes and cause eye strain, according to the Mayo Clinic, and can lead to symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating, and watery, dry, itchy, burning, sore, or tired eyes. Overuse can also cause blurred or double vision and increased sensitivity to light.
"The American Optometric Association calls this computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain," according to the Mayo Clinic. "People who look at screens two or more hours in a row every day have the greatest risk of this condition."
Insomnia can be another side effect of digital devices
Using your devices too much before bedtime can lead to insomnia.
That’s because of the short-wavelength, artificial blue light that digital devices emit, which delays your body’s internal clock and circadian rhythm, and suppress the release of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
"The more electronic devices that a person uses in the evening, the harder it is to fall asleep or stay asleep," according to the foundation. "Besides increasing your alertness at a time when you should be getting sleepy, which in turn delays your bedtime, using these devices before turning in delays the onset of REM sleep, reduces the total amount of REM sleep, and compromises alertness the next morning. Over time, these effects can add up to a significant, chronic deficiency in sleep."
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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Source: Business Insider – (Chelsea Greenwood)